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How to use Naver in English

Naver is the most used website / app in South Korea, according to both SimilarWeb and Alexa. Naver is mostly known for its search engine, but it is actually more a portal (like Yahoo!) and also developed other apps like Band (social media) and Line (messaging). Some of its more well known services are: Blog, Cafe …

Naver Maps vs Kakao Maps

What is Naver maps & Kakao maps? Naver maps is an online application launched as a subsidiary company by the Naver corporation in the early 2000’s. Naver acts as the main search engine used in South Korea, which results in the use of Naver maps almost equaling that of the 42 million users of the …

How to use Naver Map and KakaoMap apps in English

Use Naver Map in English Download the app: Open the app Tap the icon on the top left Tap the gear icon  Tap “한국어” Tap English Tap 확인 Naver Map is now in English Use KakaoMap in English Download the app: Open the app Tap the icon on the top left: Tap the gear icon …

Business Etiquette in South Korea

Every year South Korea becomes more and more modern, but it is important to recognize as a foreigner possibly coming to work in Korea for the first time that modern does not equal Western. Koreans will not expect you to be a full expert on their culture, but they will appreciate a show of interest …

The best marketing strategies in South Korea

If you are new to the Korean market, you probably are very interested in how to set up the right marketing strategy for your company. You may be interested in Korean customers’ behaviors, marketing platforms, and Korean advertising style. In this blog post, we will help you to get a sense of the Korean market …

12 Must know insights into Korean consumer behavior and trends revealed

What is the most influential scientific research about Korean consumer behavior? How do Koreans differ from American or Chinese consumers? What are the latest trends? We read the most cited and recent papers about these subjects  and rephrased all of the scientific jargon to make it easy to understand.  Below are the studies summarized to …

Guide to digital marketing in Korea (B2C)

Want to reach South Korean consumers digitally? In Korea, digital is the majority (54%) of advertising in Korea. In 2021, Korean digital advertising had the most revenue with 7.5 trillion won (5.9 billion USD). The total advertising revenue in Korea (Asia’s fourth-largest economy) was 13.99 trillion won (about $11.7 billion), up 20.4 percent from 2020. …

Advertising in South Korea (market, agencies, regulations)

Korean ad market Want to advertise in Korea? In 2021 the total advertising revenue in Korea (Asia’s fourth-largest economy) was 13.99 trillion won (about $11.7 billion), up 20.4 percent from 2020.  In 2021, Korean digital advertising had the most revenue with 7.5 trillion won (5.9 billion USD). The division is as follows: Source: http://www.brandbrief.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=5024  The …