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구글 검색광고 가이드 2025

2025년 온라인 검색 광고 마케터를 위한 구글 애즈, 유튜브 광고, GDN 광고 도구 사용방법. 구글 애즈(Google Ads, 검색 광고, 키워드 광고) 및 구글 애널리틱스 인증 시험(Google Analytics certification exams)에 합격하고, 구글 애즈 계정을 관리하면서 알게 된 정보들을 여러분을 위해 공유해 드리고자 합니다. 마케팅에서 광고를 제외한다는 것은 마치 김치에서 고춧가루를 제외하는 것과 같습니다.  그 만큼 마케팅에서 …

Translating Korean: ChatGPT vs Papago vs DeepL vs Google Translate

Since ChatGPT’s inception two years ago, it has become a very controversial addition to many aspects of modern life. These days, more and more media is being produced and translated by ChatGPT in addition to traditionally used translation sites like Papago and Google Translate. Though a variety of different industries and individuals rely on translation …

KakaoTalk for organizations: Ads and Channel 

Where in most countries the most used messaging app is WhatsApp, in Korea the most dominant messaging app is KakaoTalk. You can read more about KakaoTalk here: KakaoTalk: how to download, use the app and a guide to Friends. Compared to WhatsApp, KakaoTalk has more to offer to brands to engage their clients and prospects. …

Unlocking the Power of KakaoTalk Business Channel

This blog post is about the following: What is a Business Channel? A KakaoTalk Business Channel is like a regular Channel, but with more possibilities: Screenshots of each option are below:  How to get a Business Channel? To get a Business Channel, you need a Korean business registration and apply for the Business Channel: https://center-pf.kakao.com/.  …

How to get a Korean ecommerce registration (통신판매업 신고증)

Want to advertise your business in Naver Search AD or Korean shopping websites? You will need an ecommerce / digital marketing registration, or in Korean 통신판매업 신고증. A digital marketing registration is also known as mail-order business, telemarketing or online marketing registration. There are two things that you need for a digital marketing registration: a …

Warning: Beware of Scammers Pretending to be Our Company

Dear Valued Visitor, It has come to our attention that there are individuals pretending to represent our company and attempting to scam our customers. These scammers may send fraudulent links that could be phishing attempts designed to steal your personal and financial information. We take this matter very seriously and are offering a reward for …

Guide to B2B marketing in Korea

Want to enter the Korean B2B market or scale your B2B campaigns in Korea? Our agency has experience forging partnerships between your company and the biggest Korean companies. Our B2B clients include international software / SaaS, hardware, ecommerce, biotech, B2G (business to government) organizations.  Contents of this blog post:  Before you start Getting trust Getting …

Unlocking success: 8 secrets about Korean business culture you need to know

Context is everything. To really understand Korean business culture, you also need to understand parts of Korean history, economy and typical Korean social concepts.  Below are the key points summarized: This blog posts consists of the following parts: Statistics Source: https://worldmetrics.org/work-in-south-korea-statistics/ History: Miracle of the Han River After the devastating Japanese occupation and Korean War, …

How to use Naver in English

Naver is the most used website / app in South Korea, according to both SimilarWeb and Alexa. Naver is mostly known for its search engine, but it is actually more a portal (like Yahoo!) and also developed other apps like Band (social media) and Line (messaging). Some of its more well known services are: Blog, Cafe …