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Store Transfer from Cafe24 to Shopify: Part 2

Merchants moving from Cafe24 to Shopify have to minimize the differences between the two platforms to make the migration process for customers as easy as possible. Shopify is a powerful platform for e-commerce stores and it is growing to become comfortable for users all around the world. However, it still needs some customization before servicing …

Store Transfer from Cafe24 to Shopify: Part 1, Data Transfer

Some South Korean e-commerce stores are moving from Cafe24 to the Shopify platform to grow their business. One of the reasons for such a pattern is that Shopify provides more customization and freedom for the sellers, who are now capable of creating unique stores for the Korean market. If you are wondering what are the …

스토어 이동! 카페24로 사이트를 쇼피파이 사이트로! [2편 – 배송지, 동의서, 네이버 페이, 카카오 페이 적용] 

오늘은 2편 배송지, 동의서, 네이버페이, 카카오페이 적용 하는 방법에 대해 설명드리겠습니다. 카페24에서 쇼피파이로 스토어 이동을 하시는 분들은 두 플랫폼의 차이를 이해하셔서 최소한의 노력으로 이동할 수 있도록 해야 하는데요. 쇼피파이 플랫폼은 세계적인 풍부한 이커머스 솔루션 경험을 바탕으로 세계 각지의 고객들에게 편리한 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 우선 1편을 보지 않으셨다면 1편을 먼저 보시고 2편을 읽으실 것을 추천드립니다! 1. …

스토어 이동! 카페24로 사이트를 쇼피파이 사이트로! [1편 – 데이터 마이그레이션]

안녕하세요! 요즘 쇼피파이로 만들어진 온라인 쇼핑몰이 대세입니다. 글로벌로 진출, 스토어 커스토마이제이션 등을 시도하기 위해 카페24를 비롯 여러 플랫폼에서 쇼피파이 플랫폼으로 스토어 이동을 하시는 분들이 있습니다. 하지만 시도 하시기 전에 먼저 두 플랫폼의 차이를 아셔야 할텐데요. 저희 블로그 글 을 통해 두 플랫폼의 차이를 이해 해보는 건 어떨까요? 스토어 이동은 크게 두 파트로 나뉘어 집니다. 이 …

12 Must know insights into Korean consumer behavior and trends revealed

What is the most influential scientific research about Korean consumer behavior? How do Koreans differ from American or Chinese consumers? What are the latest trends? We read the most cited and recent papers about these subjects  and rephrased all of the scientific jargon to make it easy to understand.  Below are the studies summarized to …

KakaoTalk: how to download, use the app and a guide to Friends

Literally everyone (93% of the population) in Korea uses KakaoTalk, the messaging app. More and more people outside Korea and even Obama uses the app with which you also can interact with companies or bands, do shopping and read the news! This article will tell you everything about the important things of KakaoTalk – it …

Most Visited Countries By Koreans

  Every year many people from all around the world come to visit South Korea, but where do Koreans themselves like to travel to? More than half of the population of South Korea travel abroad on an annual basis, which is only continuing to grow since the lockdowns. In Korea, workers are provided with a …

Naver Maps vs Kakao Maps

What is Naver maps & Kakao maps? Naver maps is an online application launched as a subsidiary company by the Naver corporation in the early 2000’s. Naver acts as the main search engine used in South Korea, which results in the use of Naver maps almost equaling that of the 42 million users of the …

Translating Korean: ChatGPT vs Papago vs DeepL vs Google Translate

Since ChatGPT’s inception two years ago, it has become a very controversial addition to many aspects of modern life. These days, more and more media is being produced and translated by ChatGPT in addition to traditionally used translation sites like Papago and Google Translate. Though a variety of different industries and individuals rely on translation …

KakaoTalk for organizations: Ads and Channel 

Where in most countries the most used messaging app is WhatsApp, in Korea the most dominant messaging app is KakaoTalk. You can read more about KakaoTalk here: KakaoTalk: how to download, use the app and a guide to Friends. Compared to WhatsApp, KakaoTalk has more to offer to brands to engage their clients and prospects. …