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KakaoTalk for organizations: Ads and Channel 

Where in most countries the most used messaging app is WhatsApp, in Korea the most dominant messaging app is KakaoTalk. You can read more about KakaoTalk here: KakaoTalk: how to download, use the app and a guide to Friends. Compared to WhatsApp, KakaoTalk has more to offer to brands to engage their clients and prospects. How can businesses do marketing in Kakao? The tools that organizations use most are Kakao paid ad services and KakaoTalk Channel. 

KakaoTalk Ads

Advertising in KakaoTalk is very similar to advertising in Meta (Facebook + Instagram). You can make a new ad campaign either by 1) ad type or 2) ad goal. There are also different targets / audiences that you can choose from.

Ad types

All of the ad types are below. 

There are 6 types of ads:

  • Kakao Bizboard (conversions on or traffic to website / impressions)
  • Display (conversions on or traffic to website)
  • KakaoTalk Channel (send a message to your KakaoTalk Channel Friends)
  • Daum Shopping (get traffic to online shopping mall)
  • Video (get video views)
  • Sponsored Board (get more KakaoTalk Channel exposure / traffic / Friends)

Ad goals

There are 4 ad goals:

  • Conversion
  • Traffic
  • Awareness
  • Video views

Targeting / audiences

Kakao ads (or officially “Kakao Moment”) has the following targets that you can choose from:

  • Audiences (examples: demographic, pixel retargeting)
  • Ad response target (example: engaged users)
  • Customer file (similar to a custom and lookalike audience)
  • Friend group (target Friends)

KakaoTalk Channel

You could compare Kakao Channel (formerly known as Kakao Plus Friend) with (again) a Facebook Page. Some of the KakaoTalk Channel features are: 

  • Post content with copy, creatives and links
  • Send messages to Channel followers, “Friends” 
  • Chat with prospects (live chat and chatbot also possible)
  • Post 10 FAQs with auto replies
  • Run ads to get more followers
  • Start a shopping channel

A screenshot of the Kakao ads Channel is below.

Many brands give away coupons or goodies to get more followers. It is also possible to custom design brand emojis, available for a limited time, that people can use in their Kakao chats. 

This is the link to our agency’s KakaoTalk Channel

Here is where you register / login for a KakaoTalk Channel: https://center-pf.kakao.com/. It is highly recommended to manage your Channel via an app on Android (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kakao.yellowid) or iPhone (https://apps.apple.com/kr/app/%EC%B9%B4%EC%B9%B4%EC%98%A4%ED%86%A1-%EC%B1%84%EB%84%90-%EA%B4%80%EB%A6%AC%EC%9E%90/id990571676). 

Interested in a Business Channel? Read this blog post for more info: https://punchkorea.com/kakaotalk-business-channel/.

One Response

  1. rimjhim gaur March 6, 2025

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