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Naver rank checker tool: GeoRanker

Want to track your website’s position in Naver? That is possible with the app GeoRanker! With GeoRanker, you can check for keywords your website is ranking in Naver. This feature is not possible in other (SEO) tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, Google Search Console or Naver Webmaster. There are similar tools like GeoRanker and we have tested most if not all of them, but have not seen the accuracy of the ranking or user friendliness anywhere else. Another freemium tool that you can use for this is SEO Powersuite’s Rank Tracker, but we find GeoRanker a bit more accurate.

How to do SEO like a PRO - GeoRanker

The process is very simple:

  1. Add the URL of your website
  2. Add keywords for which you want to see your ranking

Voilà, you see the position of your site in Naver for the keywords you put in!

Find the ranking of your website in Naver for certain keywords

Below are screenshots of every step after you login.

Click “RankTracker”


Click “Cities”


There are many cities to choose from, but usually just selecting “Seoul” will suffice.


Add your website, keywords and select “South Korea”. You can of course, add as many keywords as you like (will use more credits, though).

Click “Advanced”

Click “Naver Web”

Hit “Generate Report”!

There you have it, you can see for position your website ranks in Naver! (In this case as number 1.)

You can also download the report in Excel and see the historical data of your ranking.

Let’s go to Naver and check if the data is correct.

Yes, when you type “GeoRanker” into Naver, the first website result is indeed is georanker.com!

There is not a strict limit for the number of keywords. There is a limit per report of 1,000 credits. This means that:

The number of keywords x

Number of locations x

Number of search engines

has to be < 1,000 for a single report. GeoRanker provides rankings if the website appears among the top 100 results. By website section they mean “웹사이트”.

Check out the tool for yourself: GeoRanker.


GeoRanker also has an API. With the API, they can provide you the top 100 results for any keyword in any location. The API can be used to extract data both from the first “search” tab (통합검색) of Naver. Check out the API: GeoRanker.

Naver Blog

Unfortunately, GeoRanker does not work with Naver Blog (VIEW) results yet. If you want to track the organic keyword rankings for your Naver Blog, check out this blog post: Check the organic ranking of keywords of your Naver Blog posts.

Punch Digital Marketing is an official partner of GeoRanker.


  1. SwiftChat Live Chat App September 10, 2020
  2. Dmitriy September 28, 2020
    • JK September 29, 2020

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