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How to use Naver Map and KakaoMap apps in English

Use Naver Map in English

Download the app:

Open the app

Tap the icon on the top left

Tap the gear icon 

Tap “한국어”

Tap English

Tap 확인

Naver Map is now in English

Use KakaoMap in English

Download the app:

Open the app

Tap the icon on the top left:

Tap the gear icon

Tap 앱 설정

Tap 언어

Tap English

Tap 재시작

KakaoMap is now in English

Naver Map vs Kakao Map: https://punchkorea.com/naver-maps-vs-kakao-maps/ 

How to use Naver in English: https://punchkorea.com/how-to-use-naver-in-english/ 

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